Tony Dungy
Greetings everyone!
The more I digest this situation with Tony Dungy the more I'm taken aback by what the man said, despite all of his great attributes and things he has done and accomplished. For him to write off what he said as simply a "football distraction" is relation to Michael Sam, to me, is outrageous! There was not too long ago a time where Dungy had a difficult time getting a job as a head coach because he was black. How insane would it sound now, in 2014, if a GM or owner said that they think a black man should have a chance to coach but they simply don't want their team to take on the added attention and distraction? You can quickly see how Dungy's position, when applied to race, becomes egregious! He needs to have a longer memory when dealing with the latest societal "distraction."
Have a great week!