David Jubb’s Newsletter 6/12

Lebron James

Greetings sports animals! I hope everyone has had an excellent week! I first want to thank JJ Buck for filling in for me te last few days. During the last week we've seen Lebron James go from goat to hero and then to questioned whether he and his team have enough to overcome the mighty Spurs! I'm guilty of this as well…but when did we start not allowing guys to lose championship games or series? Is MJ really casting that big of a shadow having gone six for six that Lebron was doomed from that day on 2007 when he lost his first finals? It seems like many forget that legendary figures that have taken on nearly mythic status now lost their fair share. Look at Bird and Magic!! This one is going to hurt the King though…and it looks like he's about to dip below .500 when it counts the most!!!

Have a great week!!