Silver's Handling of Sterling
Anytime you start a new job, you need to make a good first impression. Adam Silver the new NBA commissioner made his first impression this week, even though he has been on the job for a few months many fans knew little about him. But we did get a glimpse at Silver this week through Sterling. A secret recording of Clippers Owner Donald Sterling making racially insensitive comments hit TMZ and then the world, outrage ensued. Less than 100 hours after the private recordings were made public Silver dropped the hammer, a ban for life, a 2.5 Million dollar fine and a possible forced sell of his team. With public opinion on his side Silver levied perhaps the largest penalty for an owner in any sports league. So Adam Silver has made a decisive decision almost all agree on and is now he is not a nameless, faceless Commish now we know him and what he is about. The NFL, NHL, and MLB commissioners now also have a template for future violations you can be tough as long as most of us agree. No one has a Donald Sterling poster on there wall, the real measure of this commissioner is will he be as heavy handed in the future if a star revenue generating player gets in trouble.